Подршка студентима и њиховим захтевима
Покрет 2035 пружа подршку студентима и њиховим захтевима, поводом догађаја од 1. новембра када је због очигледног јавашлука страдало петнаесторо и повређено још двоје људи након пада надстрешнице на згради железничке станице у Новом Саду. (фотографија: kolubarske.rs)

Government untill next snap elections
Now, being installed for a decade at power, when they distribute state money in private pockets successfully, when they hold positions for which they are not qualified and without any responsibility, their priority is the preservation of the power. Until new snap elections.

What is the purpose of education in Serbia?
When we look at the profile and competencies of the people who lead the country, public companies, municipalities and cities in Serbia, we have to ask ourselves, what is the purpose of education in Serbia?

Unfair regulations against progress
It is obvious that our state administration makes every initiative difficult with bad regulations. Too many regulations at all levels are bullying citizens, while the biggest debtors and those who build illegally go unpunished.

Cartel State
It is the perverse idea to propagate criminal as desirable business model on television with national frequencies, where drug dealers and thieves are presented as stars..

Destruction of the Non-governmental Sector
The goal of ruling coalition is to ruin every state institution and everything that can have some useful action for democracy in Serbia. Instead of supporting genuine NGOs, the authorities have come up with the idea of diverting the money to themselves, through their own NGOs – GONGOs.

Message to Members and Supporters Regarding the Elections Scheduled for April 3, 2022.
We cannot support as an organization any party or personality. If we could, we wouldn’t create the 2035 Movement. However, as rational people, we believe that everyone can and should act as they think and vote for someone or abstain.

Announcement on Referendum on Constitutional Changes
Analyzing the events related to the implementation of the referendum as well as the consequences of constituitonal changes, Movement 2035 points out the omissions and offers proposals for the next steps in building a democratic and free society.

We Want Competition, not Monopolies!
Competition is an abstract concept in our country. Instead of a free market, we have monopolies, duopolies and cartels, which in cooperation with non-transparent and corrupt state administration prevents economic development.