The latest Insider research showed that the government continues to extract funds from the budget by approving funds to questionable non-governmental organizations. Namely, the Ministry of Family Care and Demography approved 630,000 euros for projects of unknown NGOs that were founded „immediately before the call for tenders, by re-registration of existing NGOs that were not active years before. None of the organizations have their own internet presentation or information about the history of dealing with the topic that is the focus of the competition. The most interesting, but also devastating, is the fact that four organizations that received funds are registered at the same address, in the building of Chamber of Commerce of Serbia…
Recently, two relevant documents have been adopted as attempt to regulate the issue of the functioning of the non-governmental sector and its financing, The regulation prescribes the procedure for allocating funds, announcing tenders, guidelines, eligibility and cities and municipalities in Serbia at least formally fulfill the legal form. Where the process loses its importance is the monitoring and evaluation of the performance of the activities for which the funds have been allocated, that is, whether the objective of the competition has been satisfactorily met.